Pray for justice to prevail in Latin America

May 29, 2021

"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

– Galatians 3:28

Africa & Europe

Praise God for the successful repatriation of a Ghanaian woman trafficked to the Middle East for domestic labor. Through a referral, IJM was able to facilitate her safe return to Ghana, provide trauma counseling, temporary shelter arrangements, financial support and reintegration with her family. While IJM Ghana focuses on domestic trafficking of children for labor in the fishing industry, supporting cross-border cases like this one allows IJM to help build government capacity to address trafficking crimes more broadly.

Latin America

Pray for justice to prevail in the case of a 12-year-old girl survivor of sexual violence in Bolivia. There were two suspects arrested in her case; so far one of the suspects was found guilty and sentenced by the court, but the other obtained a house arrest order until the conclusion of his trial. Since then, the investigation of the case has been stalled. Please pray for this house arrest order to be reversed and for the process to resume swiftly to ensure this man cannot hurt the survivor in this case or other children.

South Asia

Pray for several states in South Asia that have been hit with powerful cyclones — further complicating the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the hardest hit communities were already dealing with poverty and the escalating pandemic. Millions of people are now displaced due to heavy rains and flooding. Please pray for quick recovery efforts and stamina for first responders helping these struggling communities.

Southeast Asia

Pray for a forthcoming ABS-CBN documentary on online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC) and IJM's work. This documentary on a major news outlet in the Philippines has great potential to raise awareness, deter crime and further partnerships on a national level — please pray that God will use this mightily to bring breakthrough in our advocacy.

IJM HQ & Global Partners

IJM global headquarters is located in the United States. IJM has Partner Offices in Australia, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, South Korea, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the US.

Praise God for our teams who have worked diligently to produce the 2020 Year in Review and present it in a more accessible and interactive format than ever before. Our hope in sharing this report of what we accomplished together in 2020 is that our many supporters (like you!) see how important they are in scaling the work of justice and protecting millions from violence.

The updates we share on survivors or their cases can become sensitive over time. To respect and protect them, please refrain from posting these prayer requests online.